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Why Your Website Copy Matters More Than You Think

Have you ever had a light bulb moment that radically changed the course of your life?

While that may sound dramatic, it’s exactly how I felt when I discovered copywriting — I know, cue eye roll, but hear me out. 🫣

Here I was, on a travel nurse assignment in the middle of the Deep South, just mindlessly scrolling through Pinterest when I stumbled across a copywriter that I virtually fell in love with (because she was that good) and, of course, immediately fell down the rabbit hole of learning everything I could possibly learn about copywriting.

I know my fellow nurses can relate to this — I felt limited in my impact when I was in a traditional bedside nursing role, and I always wanted to make a more significant impact in healthcare. I have always been passionate about helping people, but I didn’t know how to take my career from merely surviving to truly thriving in every aspect.

I felt lost and stuck — at my worst, I even felt defeated.

I felt like I’d never enjoy this career I spent so much time, energy, and money pouring into.

But I found copywriting when I needed it most, and through this newfound passion, I had the biggest light bulb moment that incidentally changed the course of my career.

My mission became evident: radically reinvent what it means to be a nurse and support other nurses in the same journey by using connection-worthy copywriting for their small businesses and personal brands.

The magic really became apparent when I truly learned how to leverage my newfound copywriting skills to write my website copy and promote my business.

It wasn’t that easy, though, and I’ll be the first to admit: The first version of my website copy was terrible.

I technically had all the “right” information describing who I am, what I do, and who I wanted to work with. Still, I didn’t understand how to write compelling copy to turn my ideal audience into raving fans and repeat customers — even though I had been writing blog posts for a year at that point, I barely even knew what “website copy” was (content writing and copywriting are two very different skills after all).

While I never officially published the very first version of my website, objectively speaking, my ideal client would have never found my website with the copy I had, and worse yet, they would have been so confused if they had actually managed to land on my website.

There’s no way my cute (and what I thought was very clever) copy would have ever converted a reader to a paying customer at all.

Luckilyyy, I learned some invaluable copywriting lessons on my freelance journey, and I learned website copy expertly written can actually sound like you, connect with your audience, attract your dream clients, and convert them into loyal customers.

I know you’re probably thinking that you can DIY your own website copy, but trust me, there’s a reason why copywriting is a profession of its own and why companies pay thousands of dollars to hire professionals to write all their copy for them.

Copywriting is an art.

So, don’t make the mistake of going all in on the fancy-ass website design, logo, and brand photography, and then try to throw some words on the page and hope for the best.

I guarantee you’re going to end up as frustrated as I was, and your audience will be as confused as mine, before I decided to scrap the whole thing and spent countless hours learning website copywriting because I just knew my website copy mattered more than anything in my business.

Let’s talk about why you shouldn’t ignore your website copy and how it even matters more than you think.

1 | Your website copy directly reflects you and your business.

Your website copy should never be about filling up blank spaces on your site.

Every word and sentence serves a purpose and is crucial in attracting visitors, retaining customers, and scaling the business of your dreams. Your website copy should educate and captivate your reader, provide necessary information, and even turn your reader into a raving fan.

If your website copy is poorly written, full of errors, or straight-up confusing, your visitors may assume that your business is unprofessional or unreliable.

When it comes down to it, good website copy establishes credibility and builds trust with potential customers because it is a direct reflection of you and your business.

So, make it count.

RELATED: Get Your Website Visitors to Instantly Fall In Love With You

2 | Your website copy works for you and attracts all the right people even while you sleep.

Wouldn’t you want an executive assistant who does all your marketing for you and attracts all the right people even while you sleep?

I know I would, and guess what?

If you have a website with words on it, your copy could be (and should be) doing the hard marketing work for you.

That’s what it’s there for!

You don’t have to be a search engine optimization expert by any means. Still, your website copy plays a significant role in your search engine rankings, increasing your brand’s visibility and attracting all the right people aligned with your mission, qualifying your leads before you get on a discovery call with them.

So, while you’re writing website copy to attract all the right people and turn them into loyal customers, it isn’t just for educating and connecting with your audience about your products or services — those keywords and phrases also play a vital role in your search engine rankings on results pages if done strategically.

By using keywords in your website copy, you’re making it clear to Dr. Google what you’re all about, but you’ll be on your way to improving your website’s search engine rankings and driving more and more traffic to your site.

RELATED: Why Conversion Copywriting Outperforms SEO: The Benefits You Can’t Ignore

3 | Your website copy speaks directly to your client’s needs (or at least it will if written effectively).

The fact of the matter is that humans buy emotionally and justify logically, which means creating a great offer is only half the battle.

With well-crafted copy, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, persuading them to choose your brand over others. You can make a lasting impression and drive conversions by highlighting your unique selling points and offering solutions to your customer’s pain points.

Your website’s copy is the first thing your visitors will read when they land on your site, so by default, your copy is the primary way to convey your brand’s message and value proposition to your target audience.

By understanding their pain points and addressing them in your copy, you can engage your ideal clients, make them feel heard, and build a strong relationship with them.

If your copy is written with them in mind, you’re more likely to connect with them and inspire them to take your desired action. Crafting compelling website copy is crucial for any business because your copy allows you to speak directly to your ideal client.

4 | Your website copy guides visitors through the buying journey and turns visitors into raving fans and loyal customers.

Copy is essentially just words that convince people to make a decision, but as I said before, it’s an art and should never be the last thing on your mind. Your website copy is hands down the best digital marketer you could ever imagine as long as you’re taking it seriously and giving your copy the attention it deserves.

You want to create an experience that draws your visitors in and guides them through the buying journey without them knowing they’re being funneled through a sales page — I don’t mean to say you should trick your readers, though; on the contrary, you should be genuine and honest with them.

You want your website copy to guide your readers from totally unaware they even have a problem to an “oh my god; this product will change my life, I must have it” revelation by positioning your product as the solution to their pain points.

So, as we established, the goal of your website copy is to convince your reader to take your desired action and drive those conversions. Well-written copy that speaks to your target audience’s pain points and prescribes the remedy will persuade them to take that desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or even just clicking to the next page.

By focusing on creating a quality experience for your readers and creating a clear call-to-action that provides compelling reasons to take action, you can connect with your audience and encourage them to take the next step.

5 | Your website copy makes a memorable impact.

The real power of website copy lies in its ability to differentiate your brand from your competitors, especially in often over-saturated industries. You want to make a lasting impression on your audience so they remember you, become a returning customer, and tell all their friends about you.

Your website should be oozing with pockets full of personality that your readers can’t help but keep reading — however, your website copy should still communicate your value proposition.

If you can effectively articulate what sets your business apart from the competition, you will have a better chance of converting visitors into customers.

You can create a memorable experience for your potential clients, setting yourself apart from the competition by using storytelling and conversation copy.

You want your copy to be a conversation because while they might not care about you directly (yet), they still want to know they’re hearing from an actual human on the other side of this strange thing we call cyberspace. If your audience feels like they really know you through your copy, they’re more likely to like you, trust you, and take your desired action.

RELATED: 3 Ways to Make Your Homepage POP with Personality

Imagine your website copy doing all the hard work for you.

Your website copy matters more than you think — it’s just that simple.

Your website copy matters for SEO, brand awareness, engaging your ideal client, building trust and credibility, connecting and converting, making a memorable impact, and empathetically guiding them through a buyer’s journey.

By prioritizing quality website copy, you can attract and retain more customers and even achieve your loftiest business goals.

Imagine this POV:

You’re sitting on your back porch, enjoying a cup of coffee and a good book. Your “work” day doesn’t start until 10 AM, and you’ve reached the point now that you only “work” for 2-4 hours. You’ve been planning a worry-free vacation trip to Italy with your partner and kiddos. 

What. A. Life.

And I know that’s going to be you one day if you master the art of marketing through telling connection-worthy stories in your website copy.

Website copy that connects and converts will allow you to scale the business of your dreams, positively impact the communities you’re passionate about, and even allow you to build the life you dream of livingand that’s why website copy matters more than you think.

Ready to redefine what it means to be a nurse and scale the business of your dreams with connection-worthy copy?

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