How to Find Inspiration Again After Nurse Burnout

It’s no secret nurses deal with difficult experiences every single day. But, sprinkle low staffing and sicker patients on top of emotional exhaustion and prolonged sleep deprivation, and you have a recipe for burnout.

Nursing CE Central state, “When asked about what exactly is contributing to their burnout, more than 80% of nurses reporting burnout pointed to Low Staffing as a factor, 76% cited Emotional Exhaustion, and 75% noted High Workload Demands...”

As a nurse, I know you’ve experienced burnout or compassion fatigue at some point during your career. Maybe you’re feeling burnout right now.

So how do you find inspiration again after experiencing burnout in your nursing career?

Honestly, I’ve been you.

I’ve been right where you are, wondering how the heck to continue on this career path and still provide excellent patient care when I’m mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.

I’ve compiled a few ideas to help you find inspiration again and included three journaling prompts for each section.

Journaling has so many benefits, including

  • mental clarity

  • improved mood

  • reduced stress

  • improved critical thinking

  • self-discovery

  • self-awareness

That’s why I decided to include journal prompts with each section. Use them while journaling, or take some time to reflect on the answers while reading this blog post. Enjoy!

lightbulb in the sunset sky

Finding inspiration again after nurse burnout:

Be honest

Self-discovery plays a vital role in finding your inspiration again. Be authentic and honest with yourself. Take time to define your emotions, whatever that may look for you, through something like journaling, studying psychology, or participating in talk therapy.

In Brené Brown’s book, Atlas of the Heart, she discusses how we need the appropriate language to define our emotions and express ourselves to our fullest.

You can only be honest with others if you’re honest with yourself, and you can only be honest with yourself if you know how to describe your thoughts and feelings.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What’s causing your burnout?

→ What brings you joy?

→ What’s holding you back from making changes?

Create boundaries

You have the right to choose who you spend time with and how much you spend with them. Likewise, you have the right to choose what you spend your time doing.

Create healthy boundaries with the people or things around you. But, first, you must decide what you feel are “healthy” versus “unhealthy” boundaries.

Ultimately, you have a responsibility to yourself to build a community of people around you who support you, empower you, and inspire you.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What or who is draining your energy right now?

→ How can you gently make boundaries with this energy drainer?

→ What are 3 more enjoyable or efficient ways to spend your energy?

Try something new

Let creativity be your inspiration, and be brave enough to try something you’ve never done before. It could be anything, from learning a new language to painting a masterpiece, from rock climbing to swimming with sharks.

Choose something that will bring you joy and lift you up. It doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t turn out the way you expected. Instead, take it as an opportunity to explore something else new until you find something you truly love.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What creative hobby have you always wanted to try?

→ What has been holding you back from trying something new?

→ How can you make time to incorporate a new activity into your routine?

Connect with nature

Connecting with and being surrounded by nature can enliven all 5 of your senses and spark a sense of harmony with yourself and the world around you.

By immersing yourself in the beauty of nature, you can open yourself up to a world of exploration, allowing you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

Nature can also promote peace, reduce feelings of loneliness, lower stress, boost energy, promote cognitive function, and inspire creativity!

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ How much time do you really spend outside? How does this make you feel?

→ How does being in nature make you feel?

→ What lessons can you learn from being in nature?

Hold space for gratitude

Gratitude is a buzzword these days, but gratitude can be a powerful way to change your mindset, uplift your spirit, and inspire you to keep going.

Remember, it is much easier to recognize gratitude when things are going well for you. It is exponentially harder to feel gratitude when times are tough, but this is when gratitude is most beneficial for you and when you’ll see growth within your heart and mindset.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What does gratitude mean to you?

→ What inspired you today?

→ What aspects of your life do you take for granted?


Your relationship with yourself needs to be nurtured, just like any other relationship, because your relationship with others is a direct extension of your relationship with others.

You will learn love, kindness, and understanding by caring for yourself. In turn, you’ll increase your capacity for compassion and improve your interpersonal relationships. If you fill your cup, you’ll have the capacity to fill the cups of others.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What do you need to feel loved?

→ What is one negative story you keep telling yourself? How can you reinterpret this story and change this self-talk?

→ What is stopping you from being kind to yourself?

Letting go

Hindsight will always be 20/20, so harboring worry, anxiety, or stress over a particular situation only weighs you down and keeps you from evolving.

Learning to “let go and let it be” may be precisely what you need to move forward and continue on your path.

You don’t always have to be in control. Because if there’s one thing about life that we know, it is that life is ever-changing. Allow yourself to change and grow through your experiences.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ How do you cope with negative energy and negative moods?

→ What are you holding on to that could be draining your energy? Why are you holding on to it? What actions can you take to let it go?

→ How would you feel if you were no longer bothered by this negative circumstance?

Commit to positive daily routines

Daily positive routines involve understanding yourself and what it means to care for your well-being.

When you are cared for, you’ll be more motivated and able to care for others in meaningful ways.

Self-care in your daily routines will boost your mood, realign your goals, give you endorphins, and reduce stress levels.

Journal prompts to get you thinking about YOU:

→ What does self-care look like for you?

→ How can you create a joy-filled routine?

→ What can you implement to help you achieve your daily positive routines?

You have to put in some work to discover what inspires you and makes you feel good about the work you do.

Self-discovery and self-awareness come with time and practice. So allow yourself the space to develop those skills, and don’t rush the process.

Continue to be diligent in the work you do for yourself so you can continue to have the capacity to care for others.

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