How to Write Effective Copy: The Basic Skills You Need to Know

Maybe you’ve noticed:

→ Your website isn’t converting the way you hoped.

→ Your copy isn’t empowering or inspiring your readers like you imagined.

→ Your website visitors aren’t taking the next steps.

→ You’re having trouble closing the deal and making the sale.

→ You’re realizing your copy could make a difference, but you’re unsure how to write the right words.

So now maybe you’re wondering:

“How the heck do I write words that people actually care about?”

Just follow the 7 C’s to writing effective copy:


When planning your copy, you need to consider that the reader may not know (and probably doesn’t know) everything you know.

Always think like your reader while you’re writing your copy. Focus on them first so you can answer all their burning questions up front, make them feel valued, and help them make the best decision (like buying your product or working with you).

Ask yourself these questions while crafting your copy:

  • What does the reader already know about this topic?

  • What might the reader ask search engines about this topic?

  • What does the reader need to know to understand your message?

  • What does the reader need to know in order to make a decision?

And always remember to go back and reread your content later with fresh eyes and a new perspective to ensure you answer all the appropriate questions in your original message. You wouldn’t want a potential client to have to reach out to you to ask a question that could have been answered in your copy. It wastes their time and yours.


Clarity is absolutely key when it comes to copywriting because confusion is a conversion killer. If you’re confusing your reader, you guarantee they “X” out faster than you can answer Nance’s 3 AM call bell on a “quiet” night.

So always, always, always make sure your copy is easy to understand, and your meaning is not open to misinterpretation.

You want all parts of your message to connect and flow well together. Don’t assume your reader understands the connection of the ideas in your message. Use transitions that connect cause and effect.

Also, if your audience doesn’t understand industry-specific jargon, avoid using it. Honestly, technical language might just confuse your readers more than anything.

You can also consider using images, videos, or infographics to complement your text, make industry-specific jargon more understandable, and make your message more engaging. But again, consider who is reading your copy before using new and flashy mediums because they could potentially cause distractions and confusion, ultimately making your message less understandable.

In fact, don’t assume your reader knows anything about anything. Even if your audience is more solution-aware, be cautious in assuming they know everything there is to know about your solution or product.

Connect and educate first, then convert.


Your message competes against millions of other messages for your reader’s attention, so attempting to be concise will help ensure your audience actually reads the entire message. But long-form content is still relevant and can serve your purpose well if done strategically, but don’t be wordy just for the sake of it.

If you can say less and still get your message across to your reader, say less.

If you find your sentences consist of commas, semicolons, parentheses, and em dashes, you’re likely writing long-winded and potentially difficult-to-read sentence structures. Different types of sentences can sometimes help to add to your engagement. However, try to maintain a balance and avoid overusing them as it may lead to readability issues and ultimately confuse your reader.

Use concise and commonly used language to convey your point and keep your readers engaged. Simple, easy-to-read words and sentences are time savers for your reader. And we all know we’re tight on time, so keep in mind readers will consume what they came for and bounce if they don’t have a reason to stay.

Give them a reason to stay, but remember, less is often more when it comes to effective copywriting.

And don’t forget, a well-formatted message overall can make a world of difference in how your audience perceives your message. So using headings, bullet points, and lists to break your content into digestible chunks will make your copy easier to read and help your audience retain the information better.


Write as if another human — just like you — is reading your copy. Imagine having a real conversation with your readers and what that would sound like in real life. If you wouldn’t say it out loud to another human, then don’t write it.

Use language and sentence structures that create a conversational tone and are easy to understand and relatable. Ultimately, your conversational copy builds trust and creates a meaningful connection between you and your audience. Write as if you’re having a conversation with a friend.

Your goal isn’t to write for the robots crawling your website to push your content on search results pages. Your goal is to convert your site visitors into dedicated fans and loyal customers.

So, while you should always consider your keywords and phrases, they shouldn’t be your priority when writing your copy. 

Humans are your priority. Write for them, not the search engine algorithms.


Effective communication is essential in any field, and using correct mechanics is an integral part of it. Proper mechanics, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, are essential in writing clear, readable, and engaging copy. 

The correct mechanics helps to convey your message accurately, while incorrect mechanics can lead to confusion, ambiguity, and miscommunication.

Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation can help you avoid common errors that may distract your readers from your message. Proper syntax can help you structure your sentences and paragraphs in a way that flows naturally and makes sense to your readers.

Using correct mechanics also shows that you are professional and take your craft seriously. It helps you establish credibility and trust with your audience, which is crucial in any industry. Whether you are writing a blog post, a marketing email, or a business proposal, the correct mechanics can help you showcase your expertise and knowledge while keeping your readers engaged.

Incorrect grammar, poorly used punctuation, and obvious spelling mistakes can undermine the credibility of your writing. Take the time to review your writing, proofread it, and ensure that you are using the correct mechanics before publishing or submitting it. Doing so can help ensure your copy is compelling, impactful, and memorable.


If you’re presenting something as factual, make sure it’s accurate, and you have relevant support for your claims. And if you’re citing outside sources, do your due diligence to ensure they are credible and reliable. Having credible sources helps to build trust with your readers and positions you as an expert in your field.

When examining your sources and determining whether or not they are credible, ask yourself questions like:

  • Who is the author?

  • Does the author or researcher have a bias?

  • Is the content, article, or research sponsored?

  • What is the purpose of the content?

  • Is the content accurate compared to other reliable sources?

  • How was data collected?

  • What was the sample size?

Ensuring the accuracy of your claims and the credibility of your sources can create copy that is informative, trustworthy, and valuable to your readers.


Be considerate of your reader and your copy’s readability factor.

Crafting effective copy considers who you’re writing to first and foremost, so making your copy easy to read and knowing who’s reading your message will make your message more accessible and engaging for your audience.

Many factors can increase your copy’s readability, such as tone, word choice, and formatting (not including all the above 6 tips I’ve already mentioned).

Remember, the goal of any copy is to make a connection with your readers and convey your message effectively to inspire action.

Don’t make your reader guess your meaning.

Your tone and word choice set the mood for the content and determine how the reader receives the message. Therefore, it is essential to use the right tone (usually conversational) and word choice for your audience.

You also want the words you choose to create a sense of flow and rhythm to your message. The result is less frustration and confusion in attempting to interpret your meaning. 

Be purposeful in your messaging…

If you take away nothing but this final tip, then I promise you’ll still be on your way to crafting compelling bombdotcom copy that your audience cannot resist, and it goes like this:

Write with purpose and always put the reader first.

In today’s fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans and less time to read through lengthy, confusing text.

Therefore, making your copy as easy to read as possible is crucial.

Use simple language, short sentences, a conversational tone, and eye-catching headlines.

Now, go analyze your own copy with an objective eye and revise as needed.

Ready to redefine what it means to be a nurse and scale the business of your dreams with connection-worthy copy?

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