for nurses

The Blog

Here to answer all your 2 AM questions about the intricacies of growing professionally, creating strategic messaging for your brand and website, and scaling your side hustle into a full-time gig.

career Bridget Montes career Bridget Montes

13 Jobs for Nurses Who Don’t Want to be Nurses Anymore

Looking to transition out of nursing? Check out these unconventional jobs for nurses who don't want to be nurses anymore! From comedian to author, podcast host to business owner, there are plenty of options for you to explore. Learn how to reinvent your career and find a job that aligns with your passions and dreams.

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career Bridget Montes career Bridget Montes

Don’t Quit, Just Pivot: 25 Nurse Jobs Not at the Bedside

One of the greatest attributes of choosing nursing as a career is the vast amount of variety attainable with one degree. If you feel like you should just give up and quit the nursing profession altogether, remember that no job is perfect and while being a nurse can be challenging, there are more options for you. So don’t quit, just pivot to another role, in another workplace, in another city…

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career Bridget Montes career Bridget Montes

Why Nurses are Leaving the Bedside

I’m not the only nurse out there who got to the bedside and realized that nursing is not what you thought it would be and is not what you wanted when you decided to be a nurse. But leaving the bedside is becoming the norm and here’s why it’s happening.

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career Bridgyoto . career Bridgyoto .

7 Reasonable Work-From-Home Jobs for Nurses

Curious about how to take your career from the bedside to the comfort of your own home? While being a nurse gives you endless opportunity to do something different, I’ve started with 7 reasonable work-from-home jobs for nurses.

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career Bridgyoto . career Bridgyoto .

What I Love About Being a Nurse

You might be doubting your decision to become a nurse and maybe you've convinced yourself that nursing isn't the right career for you, but I'm here to tell you all the reasons to love your career, prioritize your purpose, and maybe even reinvent what it means to be a nurse along the way.

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